Membership Directory - Corporate



Company Activities: As one of the world's leading specialty chemical companies, Clariant contributes to value creation with innovative and sustainable solutions for customers from many industries. Our portfolio is designed to meet very specific needs with as much precision as possible. At the same time, our research and development is focused on addressing the key trends of our time. These include energy efficiency, renewable raw materials, emission-free mobility, and conserving finite resources. 作为全球领先的特种化学品公司之一,科莱恩为各行各业的客户提供创新和可持续的解决方案,为客户创造价值。我们的产品组合旨在尽可能精确地满足非常具体的需求。与此同时,我们的研发重点是解决我们这个时代的主要趋势。其中包括能源效率、可再生原材料、无排放的机动性和保护有限的资源。
Chinese Company Name: 科莱恩化工(中国)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: Clariant Chemicals (China) Ltd, No. 288 Chunde Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, 201108, P.R.China 中国上海市闵行区春德路288号 邮编:201108
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Chemical


Sustainability and Innovation APAC