Swiss Government
Official website of the Swiss government
Embassy of Switzerland in China (Beijing)
Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong
Chinese Government
Official website of the government of China. Portal to all the ministries, government agencies, government organizations and a wealth of official information about China in general.
Government in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
Official website of the local government
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Switzerland
Visa application procedure and general information about China.
Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Zurich
The Consulate in Zurich provides services such as visa application for some Swiss cantons.
Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Missions Overseas of the People’s Republic of China
List of the official representations of the PRC abroad.
State Organs and People’s Organizations of the People’s Republic of China
List of the State Organs and People’s Organizations of the People’s Republic of China.
Chambers of Commerce
List of the Chambers of Commerce in China.
China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)
The CCOIC is operated by CCPIT and is member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
International Chamber of Commerce China (ICC)
The affiliate of the International Chamber of Commerce in China.
All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce (ACFIC)
Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano
The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a Swiss-based nonprofit association registered in Zurich. Over 700 corporate and individual members, among them the leading banks, trading companies, insurances and industrial firms have joined the association, making it one of the largest Chambers in Switzerland. The Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association (SHKBA), Zurich also assists its members in doing business with Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.
Swiss Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Contact details of all the cantonal (provincial) chambers of commerce of Switzerland. You can also directly click on the relevant canton here below:
Aargau, Basel, Bern, Fribourg/Freiburg, Geneva, Glarus, Jura, Central Switzerland (Luzern/Uri/Schwytz/Unterwald (Obwald/Nidwald)), Neuchatel, St.Gallen-Appenzell, Solothurn, Thurgau, Ticino, Valais/Wallis, Vaud, Winterthur, Zurich.
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
The SECO is the Confederation’s competence centre for all core issues relating to economic policy.
Switzerland Global Enterprise
Switzerland Global Enterprise is the official promoter of Swiss foreign trade and is represented in China by the Swiss Business Hubs. They provide information to foreign companies interested in establishing business relations with Switzerland and to Swiss companies looking for business opportunities abroad. The Swiss Business Hub China has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
Trade Office of Swiss Industries in Taipei (TOSI)
Swiss interests in Taiwan are represented by a private organization, The Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) operated by the Swiss Taiwan Trading Group (STTG) in Zurich.
Swiss Center Shanghai (SCS)
Swiss Center Shanghai offers a unique platform to facilitate your entry onto the Chinese and Asian markets and support your operations to ensure success.
Young Swiss in China gathers young Swiss with different backgrounds and career paths. It provides a rich environment for young Swiss to fully enjoy their experience in China. Young Swiss in China is helping the creation of a strong Swiss community which have one thing in common: We have all lived in China in our twenties.
With us, you will meet likeminded Swiss fellows and grow a great network. We aim to bring people together by organizing monthly fun, social and professional events.
Business in China
Official portal of the Chinese government for business in China.
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
The CCPIT comprises VIPS, enterprises and organizations representing the economic and trade sectors in China. It is the most important and the largest institution for the promotion of foreign trade in China.
Chinese Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investments (CAEFI)
CAEFI is a nationwide non-profit social entity reporting to the Ministry of Commerce which provides services to its members and other investors, and guides them in their daily business.
China Customs
China Customs is a government agency that supervises and manages all arrivals in and departures from the Customs territory of the People’s Republic of China.
Invest Beijing
Invest Beijing International (IBI) is a municipal government-backed investment and business consultation service platform that promotes the many advantages of Beijing as a base to locate a business, and assists overseas enterprises establish and develop their presence in the capital city.