
As one of the richest developed countries in the world, Switzerland has held on to the No.1 positionin the Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the global Innovation Index (GII) released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) formany years. A major contributor to such achievements is the Swiss education system which haslong been listed, together with technological progress, as the most important strategic objectivesby the Swiss government, and in the Swiss education system, vocational education plays a pivotalrole. The resulting highly educated professionals form an excellent pool for companies based inSwitzerland. According to statistics published by the State Secretariat for Education, Research andInnovation (SERI), 30,000 tertiary-level professional education qualifications have been grantedin 2021. Across the country, 87,786 apprenticeships were available and there were 240 traininginstitutions offering vocational education programs, resulting a very low youth unemployment rate—only 3.2%.The Swiss vocational education system, known as Vocational and Professional Education andTraining (VPET), is highly responsive to labor market and provides a steady supply of talentsfor Swiss companies every year. It is divided into two sectors: upper-secondary level vocationaleducation and training (VET) and tertiary-level professional education.
