Membership Directory - Corporate

Givaudan Management Consulting (Shanghai) Ltd


Company Activities: Givaudan is a global leader in the field of daily and edible flavors, the company has a long history of more than 250 years, is the research, development, production and marketing of flavors, fragrances and flavor raw materials. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, Givaudan operates in 148 locations around the world, with 64 production sites and nearly 16,000 employees dedicated to meeting the needs of customers in different regions. Through partnerships with customers, Givaudan is committed to guiding perceptual creativity in bringing new concepts, products and brands to the international market. 奇华顿公司是全球日用及食用香精领域的先导,公司已有250多年悠久历史,是香精,香料及香精原料研究、开发、生产及销售商。奇华顿总部设在瑞士日内瓦,其业务分布全球148个地区,拥有64个生产基地和近16000名员工,致力于满足不同地区的客户需求。奇华顿通过与客户建立合作伙伴关系,在为国际市场提供新的概念、产品及品牌中致力于引导感知创意。
Chinese Company Name: 奇华顿管理咨询(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 298 Lishi Zhen Road, Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China | 上海浦东新区张江高科技园李时珍路298号 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Chemical
