Membership Directory - Corporate

Brugg Cables (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Company Activities: Brugg Cables is one of the world’s leading cable manufacturers. Our 390 employees develop, manufacture, install and maintain cables, accessories and system solutions for power transmission and distribution, and for industrial system solutions. Brugg Cables 是世界领先的电缆制造商之一。公司拥有 390 名员工,致力于开发、制造、安装和维护用于输配电和工业系统解决方案的电缆、附件和系统解决方案。
Chinese Company Name: 布鲁克电缆(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | Room 610, 6th Floor, Xingyun Building, 256 Xiangyin Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai | 上海市杨浦区翔殷路256号星云大楼6层610室 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Construction