Membership Directory - Corporate



Company Activities: CEDES is a global leader in elevator sensor technology, CEDES has been developing innovative solutions for safety and information systems, automation, monitoring, industrial computers and controls. CEDES now is a global leader in optical sensors utilizing active infrared technology and image processing. CEDES是电梯传感器技术的全球领导者,一直致力于为安全和信息系统、自动化、监控、工业计算机和控制领域开发创新解决方案。如今CEDES已成为利用主动红外技术和图像处理技术生产光学传感器的全球领先企业。
Chinese Company Name: 瑞电士(上海)传感器有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 307, Building 2, No. 351 Wenshui East Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai | 上海市虹口区汶水东路351号2号楼307室 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Construction


General Manager