Membership Directory - Corporate

China Integrated Co., Ltd


Company Activities: China Integrated is a solution provider dedicated to supporting international companies in successfully establishing and developing their businesses in China. This company develop integrated solutions designed to facilitate sustainable, superior success according to company’s needs which include market entry, operations set-up, growth or acquisition, etc. China Integrated 是一家致力于支持国际公司在中国成功建立和发展业务的解决方案提供商。该公司开发综合解决方案,旨在根据公司的需求促进可持续、卓越的成功,包括市场进入、运营设置、增长或收购等。
Chinese Company Name: 上海汉易商务咨询有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | Room 1002, No. 1438 North Shaanxi Road, Wealth Times Building, Shanghai | 上海市陕西北路1438号财富时代1002室 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Business Consulting


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