Membership Directory - Corporate
Hupac International Logistics (Shanghai) Co.
Company Activities: Hupac is Europe's leading intermodal network operator with a transport volume of around 1 million road consignments per year. For over fifty years, we have pioneered innovative and reliable rail transport services, thus making a key contribution to modal shift to rail and to environment protection.
Hupac 是欧洲领先的多式联运网络运营商,每年的公路货运量约为 100 万件。五十多年来,我们开创了创新、可靠的铁路运输服务,为铁路运输模式的转变和环境保护做出了重要贡献。
Chinese Company Name: 霍派国际物流(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 107, Building 2, No. 525 West Tibet Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai | 上海市静安区西藏北路525号2栋107室 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Logistics & Supply Chain
General Manager