Membership Directory - Corporate

Jansen China Co., Ltd


Company Activities: Jansen is a tradition-rich company that develops, designs, manufactures and markets steel systems as well as plastic products for the building and other industries. Jansen provides its customers worldwide with technologically mature products and system solutions that deliver true added value. Jansen是一家传统悠久的公司,为建筑和其他行业开发,设计,制造和销售钢铁系统以及塑料产品。Jansen为全球客户提供技术成熟的产品和系统解决方案,带来真正的附加值。
Chinese Company Name: 严森钢铁技术(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | Room 1A, Building 1, No. 111 Shennan Road, Xinzhuang Industrial Park, Shanghai | 上海市莘庄工业园区申南路111号1幢1A |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Machinery


Head of Finance and HR