Membership Directory - Corporate

Kellerhals Carrard


Company Activities: Kellerhals Carrard is the largest law firm in Switzerland. The firm offers a full range of legal services for national and international clients in all areas of corporate and commercial law, with particular emphasis on cross border transactions. The firm is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, understanding of business needs and pragmatic approach. Kellerhals Carrard是瑞士最大的律师事务所。本所在公司法和商法的各个领域为国内和国际客户提供全方位的法律服务,尤其侧重于跨境交易。该公司以其企业家精神、对业务需求的理解和务实的态度而闻名。
Chinese Company Name: 上海市汇业律师事务所
Company Website Address:
Street: | 13F, Huamin Empire Plaza, No. 726 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai | 上海市延安西路726号华敏翰尊国际5层 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Legal


Head of China Desk