Membership Directory - Corporate
LX Precision
Company Activities: The LX Precision Group is the perfect combination of quality, tradition and progress. In 2001 as a subsidiary of one of Switzerland’s famous high-precision turning companies for the watch and medical industries. The LX Precision Group thus provides its clients with most efficient and optimized high precision and high-quality components.
LX Precision Group是质量、传统和进步的完美结合。2001 年,作为瑞士著名钟表和医疗行业高精度车削公司的子公司,LX Precision 集团为客户提供最高效、最优化的高精度和优质部件。因此,LX Precision 集团能够为客户提供最高效、最优化的高精度和高质量部件。
Chinese Company Name: 罗信精密零件(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | No. 8, Lane 88, Yuan Shan Road, 201108 Shanghai, China | 中国上海市元山路88弄8号厂房 邮政编码201108 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Manufacturing