Membership Directory - Corporate

sim (selective international management)


Company Activities: sim (selective international management) Co. Ltd. is a Swiss boutique consultancy with its main operations in Shanghai PRC, providing support to European and Chinese Companies. Established since 2006 sim acts as a bridge between Chinese and European projects, and is supported by internal and external experts in finance, accounting, legal, cross-culture, logistics and infrastructure and communication, to provide transparent and pragmatic professional solutions to our clients. sim (selective international management) Co. Ltd. 是一家瑞士精品咨询公司,主要业务在中国上海,为欧洲和中国公司提供支持。公司成立于 2006 年,由内部和外部的财务、会计、法律、跨文化、物流、基础设施和沟通方面的专家提供支持,为客户提供透明、务实的专业解决方案。
Chinese Company Name: 王隆(上海)商务咨询有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 291 Fumin Road, 7th Floor, Century Wu Jin Building, Room 706, Shanghai 200031 | 上海市富民路291号世纪悟锦大楼7楼706室 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Business Consulting
