Membership Directory - Corporate

Suzhou Benninger Küsters Machinery Co., Ltd.


Company Activities: Benninger is a Swiss company and has been the world's leading partner of the textile and tire cord industry for more than 160 years. It has subsidiaries as well as service agencies around the globe. Benninger develops and produces machines and systems for textile finishing and tire cord production, which it supplies as complete system solutions. Benninger has many years of experience in the automation of machines and systems which is also used successfully in other branches of industry. Benninger是一家瑞士公司,160 多年来一直是世界领先的纺织和轮胎帘线行业合作伙伴。公司在全球各地设有子公司和服务机构。Benninger研发和生产用于纺织品后整理和轮胎帘线生产的机器和系统,并提供完整的系统解决方案。贝宁格在机器和系统自动化方面拥有多年的经验,这些经验也成功地应用于其他工业领域。
Chinese Company Name: 苏州贝宁格寇司德机械有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | No. 11 Shiyang Road, Huqiu District, Suzhou New District, Jiangsu Province | 江苏省苏州新区浒关开发区石阳路11号 |
City: Suzhou
Country: China
Industry: Machinery
