Membership Directory - Corporate

Omya (Shanghai) Investment Co., Ltd.


Company Activities: Omya is a leading global producer of essential minerals and a worldwide distributor of specialty materials. Our company purpose, “Making life better through our passion for minerals and chemistry” unites our 9,000 employees around the world. From the scientists in our innovation labs to the engineers overseeing our production plants and the teams working with customers day in day out, we are always Thinking of Tomorrow and how we can improve life for current and future generations. Omya是全球领先的重要矿物生产商和全球特种材料分销商,公司的宗旨是“用我们对矿物和化学的热情让生活更美好”。我们在全球拥有9000名员工,从创新实验室的科学家到监督生产工厂的工程师,再到与客户日复一日合作的团队,我们始终着眼未来,并思考如何改善当代和后代的生活。
Chinese Company Name: 欧米亚(上海)投资有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 10/F, Block A, No. 800 Chengshan Road, Shanghai 200125, China | 上海市浦东新区成山路800号A栋10楼 |
City: shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Chemical


Director Human Resources - China