Membership Directory - Corporate
VAT Valve
Company Activities: VAT is the globally leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance vacuum valves, multi-valve units, vacuum modules and edge-welded metal bellows. VAT vacuum valve solutions also set standard in the most demanding vacuum process. Developing new solutions and technologies is at the core of VAT’s mission.
VAT 是全球领先的高性能真空阀、多阀装置、真空模块和边缘焊接金属波纹管开发商和制造商。 VAT 真空阀解决方案还为真空工艺领域设定了最严苛对标准。开发新的解决方案和技术是 VAT 使命的核心。
Chinese Company Name: 徽拓真空阀门(上海)有限公司
Company Website Address:
Street: | 1st Floor, Building 4, No. 615 Ningqiao Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai | 上海市浦东新区宁桥路615号4号楼1层 |
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Manufacturing