Membership Directory - Corporate
Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH
Company Activities: Established following the merger between the Swiss Federation of Watch Manufacturers’ Associations and the Swiss Chamber of Watchmaking, the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH today represents the culmination of nearly 150 years of associative activity within the Swiss watch industry.
As a leading association, the FH currently represents around 500 members, or more than 90% of Swiss firms active in the production and sale of watches, clocks and components.
Our objectives are, amongst others, to protect and develop the Swiss watch industry, to uphold our members’ interests generally and in a legal context, and to represent the sector as a whole, both in Switzerland and abroad.
Our role also is to harmonise our members’ interests and coordinate policymaking within the industry. In our dealings with the outside world, we take all possible steps to promote framework conditions favourable to the unhindered development of business. Finally, our members benefit from a wide range of services, particularly in the legal, economic and commercial fields.
Chinese Company Name: 瑞士钟表工业联合会
Company Website Address:
Street: 静安区武宁南路1号越商大厦12楼
12/F, Yueshang Plaza, No1, Wuning South road, JingAn district
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Industry: Nonprofit Management
Managing Director Asia Pacific